
Alex Hinga
Candidate CV questions (extra)
Hospital Hill High School (2005) Kenyatta University (2010) University of West England (2014)
BSc. Medical Laboratory Science, MSc Public Health
Work History:
Aga Khan University Hospital, Consortium for National Health Research Kenya, Public Health England
Current Job:
PHD Student
KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
Favourite thing to do in my job: Generating evidence to inform policy and practice
My work
I am a PHD student investigating ethical issues for public health surveillance in Africa
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I joined the KEMRI Wellcome Trust as a PHD student in 2015. I am conducting a research project on ethical issues for public health surveillance in Africa.
Many people in Africa live and die without details about their lives and causes of death being recorded. This makes it difficult to determine whether public health interventions work.
Various programmes have been established in Africa to record births, deaths and migration. My project is exploring the benefits of these programmes and how they should collect public health data in a manner that is respectful to individuals and communities.
My Typical Day
Reading, field work, data analysis, writing
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6.15am: Wake up and lie in bed for 15 minutes!
6.30 – 7.30: Light exercises, make breakfast and get ready for work.
8.00: Arrive at the KEMRI Research Centre. That walk to work helps me gather my thoughts on activities planned for the day.
8.00 – 9.00: Spend the first 30 minutes writing on my PHD topic. I really have to write as soon as I get into the office, it enables me to outline activities and ideas for further exploration. This sets the pace for my day. Check and respond to emails.
9.00 – 1.00: Mostly developing my research proposals, analysing data, writing reports, making arrangements for field work and other tasks agreed upon with my supervisors.
1.00 – 2.00: Lunch break at the KEMRI cafeteria.
2.00 – 5.30 – While I prefer writing during the first half of the day, I find the afternoons best suited to reading. Occasionally, my day will include administrative tasks, attending seminars and taking online courses.
5.30 – 7.00: Back home, go for a run, a swim or play a game of football with KEMRI Wazee FC!
7.00 – 8.00: Supper.
8.00 – Midnight: Literature review, analyses, writing and completing other tasks from the day.
What I'd do with the money
I would support a group of students to visit a research centre or attend an education fair.
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During the last year of my secondary education, I was selected to attend an international education fair at the Sarit Centre in Nairobi. Together with several of my schoolmates, we had the opportunity to talk to representatives of various universities from Kenya, United Kingdom, USA, Australia, Malaysia among others. This made me aware of the training opportunities available not only in Kenya but also in other countries. It was a very enjoyable and memorable day that strengthened my determination to pursue a research career. If I win the prize, I will support students to visit a research centre or attend an international education fair.
My Interview
How would you describe yourself in 3 words?
Gentle, Persistent Scholar
What was your favourite subject at school?
What did you want to be after you left school?
A scientist
Were you ever in trouble at school?
Rarely, but way back in primary school, my friends and I got in trouble for borrowing sugarcanes from an abandoned farm.
If you weren't a scientist, what would you be?
Professional footballer
Who is your favourite singer or band?
Owiny Sigoma Band
What's your favourite food?
What is the most fun thing you've done?
Learning to dance
If you had 3 wishes for yourself what would they be? - be honest!
I wish I could visit another planet. I wish everyone cared about the environment. I wish I could end all injustices.
Tell us a joke.
What’s the difference between a bird and a fly? A bird can fly but a fly can’t bird!
My Comments
can the world come to an end (1 comments)