• Question: a am student and i took those three sciences is it possible to take them because some says you may confused yourself

    Asked by dugudu to Alex, Rita, Rose, Steven, Susan on 17 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Rose Kigathi

      Rose Kigathi answered on 17 Jan 2017:

      I did the 3 sciences and I enjoyed all three. You will not get confused, but it will mean you have more work to do. Therefore, you must be ready to work more.
      It is recommemded to focus on two sciences so that you are able to also get a good overall grade, which you will need to get into university.
      Therefore, by the time you get to form 3, you need to know what subjects you are good at.
      For example, you can choose biology and chemistry, but make sure you do mathematics well.
      If you are good at mathematics, then you most likely be good in physics as well. You may find you do not like biology/chemistry, then you can drop that. But always ensure you talk to your teachers for concrete advice.
