• Question: -how long does the HIV virus take to stay alive -Can one be infected with HIV if he or she takes a fruit that is contaminated with infected blood -what does HIV carrier mean -What are the signs exhibited by a HIV carrier

    Asked by abbb348 to Susan, Steven, Rose, Rita, Alex on 17 Jan 2017.
    • Photo: Steven Adala

      Steven Adala answered on 17 Jan 2017:

      @ abbb348, once it gets into the body it thrives since blood and other body fluids provide a conducive environment for it to live in. Outside the body, it won’t take too long to live and this depends on so many things like humidity, sunlight exposure, the volume of blood or fluid containing the virus etc. The acidity or alkaline levels in a fruit don’t provide the virus with a conducive environment to live or thrive and it dies off fast. Simply, it stays alive in the human body because of the blood circulation.

      There are high chances of not getting infected if one eats a fruit contaminated with infected blood especially if the blood has dried but I would advise you not to try this in any case. Citrus fruits have high levels of acidity that would kill off the virus.

      HIV carrier means a person that has been infected by the virus and has the virus living in their body. Nowadays due to improved medicines to fight off diseases brought by AIDs it is hard to tell just by looking at someone if they are a carrier. The signs of one being a carrier, can only be confirmed once a person has been tested at a health facility like clinic or hospital. It is always useful for one to know if they are a carrier.
